August 30, 2024

Wabi-Sabi—Spirit Lines—Embracing Imperfection


As we approach another contentious presidential election while wars rage, terrorism is on the rise and we bear witness to another summer of sweltering heat and wildfires—it might be time to consider how to contend with all this turmoil. 

What is needed is a way to relieve stress, understand that there are conditions out of our control, and come to the realization that nothing in life is ever perfect.

                                                        Wabi-Sabi 侘寂

Our imperfect union, like fabric, can be torn by grievous circumstances like autocratic leaders, voter suppression, the inequity of the electoral collage, or an “ethically-challenged” supreme court.

As we look inward and weigh the best way to move forward, we can either become consumed by anxiety and fear or we can take a positive form of action—voting, giving money to worthy candidates and causes, trying to alleviate climate change, or protesting injustice. 

As Michelle Obama said at the Democratic Convention, 
“I’m telling y’all—to do something.”

Vessel #70—Nesting II,  Wood & Flax,  52" x 46" x 7"

If we think of the crises affecting the world today as manifestations of an imperfect journey, we should also consider the words of Leonardo da Vinci, as he contemplated his own existential conundrum—

“A painting is never finished, only abandoned.”

Jeff Key's work can be seen at:

To see more of Jeff Key's artwork:

Jeff Key—Website:

Sculpturesite Gallery:

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