As I walked out the door on this brisk, January morning I thrust my finger into the air to sample the prevailing breeze.
Which way will the wind be blowing as we
embark on this new year—2024?
Will the current slant leeward toward the proverbial canary in a coal mine— or will it shift windward to ruffle the plumage of the enigmatic peacock strutting his stuff on my front lawn.

When Kevin, our adopted pet peacock, arrived in July 2023 and took up residence on our street we thought it was a sign from the Buddha Dharma that maybe understanding, benevolence, and compassion had finally landed in Oakland, California.
Now seven months later—Kevin, our old trusted friend, has come to symbolize even more as he has opened our eyes to what is right in the world—a sense of wonder, dreams of new possibilities, and a catalyst for bringing our community together.
When our neighbors gather at sundown to watch Kevin scamper up his tree and settle into his nest for the night we always toast him and deliver a nest-time benediction, “thank you Kevin for showing us how the simple pleasure of interacting with one nature’s most magnificent creatures can endow us with a much needed moment of joy.”
"Kevin" with "Vessel #96—Generations" Wood. 45" x 10" x 14" (h)
"Vessel #77—Bygone" Wood, 12" x 7" x 9" (h)
As we say farewell to 2023, the Persian (Avestian) Year of the Peacock,
and move into 2024 I am drawn to the words that
Emily Dickinson wrote in 1891 about our avian soothsayers—
“Hope” is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops - at all.”
If a peacock in Oakland can bring neighbors together
to foster a community of good will and optimism,
then there is indeed hope….. Happy New Year.