Summer is a memory, the leaves have turned, and winter looms on the horizon. There’s a crispness in the air as footballs fly and an autumnal accumulation of events comes tumbling into our consciousness.
(L) "Vessel # 64—Once" Wood, 69" x 18" 55" (h).
(R) "Vessel #43—Boundaries". Wood, 42" x 42" x 12" (d) (Wall Piece)
• Installed at the Pepperwood Preserve, Santa Rosa, California
(L) "Vessel # 92—Locus". Wood & Flax, 40" x 28" 6" (d) (Wall Piece).
(R) "Vessel #19—Refuge" Wood, 40" x 20" x 96" (h)
• Installed at the Pepperwood Preserve, Santa Rosa, California
To see more of Jeff Key's artwork:
Jeff Key—Website:
Sculpturesite Gallery: