Artificial Intelligence (AI), programs that can replicate human thinking, have arrived with readily accessible programs like OpenAI’s Chat GPT4, Microsoft’s Bing, Google’s Bard and in the visual realm DALL-E, Midjourney and Adobe Firefly. With AI, like genetic engineering, we have unleashed another genie from the bottle that could alter the course of human evolution.
I could have written this blog using Chat GPT4 and included artwork designed with DALL-E 2 or Midjourney but after doing some research I decided that what AI programs lack at this point in time is “soul.”
Joe from the Pixar film,“Soul” defined soul as,
“the space between the spiritual and the physical.”
Where does soul come from? Is it rooted in a deep recess of our brain’s limbic system or does it reside in our belly seasoned by the ups and downs of life—love, loss, empathy, compassion, connections to people and nature? How can an algorithm detect the subtleties of a tear, a blush, a wink, a nod, or the flick of a wrist?
Scientists say that AI programs are approaching a sentient, self-aware, human-level state of being. The question remains—who is programing these algorithms and what is their purpose. How we use these new information technology tools, either in a benevolent manner or for power and profit, will be played out as the future evolves. It’s going to be another test of our ability to coexist and survive.
• While pondering how Artificial Intelligence will impact your life, consider the words of wisdom from Arthur Weasley, Ministry of Magic Wizard from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (by J. K. Rowling).....
”Never trust anything that can think for itself
if you can't see where it keeps its brain."
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