Hubris (n)—Overbearing pride; arrogance.
Knowing no boundaries or class distinction, COVID-19 has been a great
equalizer. It has wrapped its insidious arms around world leaders, athletes, young, old, wealthy, disadvantaged, and front
line healthcare workers.
The virus has stared down hubris and through its sheer destructive power has demanded humility. The self-righteous have had to consider that maybe they don’t have all the answers.
Jeff Key's work can be seen at:
Jeff Key's work from “The Vessel Series,” is featured in an
Exclusive On-line Exhibition “Life Vessels”
whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain
themselves and wiser people so full of doubts” —Bertrand Russell
“No one knows the system better than
me, which is why I alone can fix it.”
—Donald Trump (nomination acceptance speech, 2016)
"Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor Finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. " (@realDonaldTrump tweet, March 29, 2020)
"Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor Finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. " (@realDonaldTrump tweet, March 29, 2020)
Spring winds have blown humility over the fence and hit our neighbors
squarely in the face. Whether it’s a global health crisis, people who are fleeing repressive
countries, or respect for those with opposing political views—humility,
decorum, and common courtesy are values being abandoned.
The virus has stared down hubris and through its sheer destructive power has demanded humility. The self-righteous have had to consider that maybe they don’t have all the answers.
As Paul Anka wrote in his
1969 song, My Way— “Yes there were
times… when I bit off
more than I could chew, but through it
all when there was doubt…….I stood tall and
did it My Way.
"Vessel #27—Fusion, 25" x 25" x 25", Wood & Flax
Exclusive On-line Exhibition “Life Vessels”
from January 31-April 30,2020
on Sculpturesite Gallery’s website: